Neurologist Dr
Ho King Hee
Dr. Ho King Hee spent
several years teaching Neurology and
Internal Medicine in the National
University of Singapore before leaving
in 2001 for private practice in the
Gleneagles Medical Centre. He has
obtained postgraduate fellowships in
the Institute of Neurology, Queen
Square, London and Oxford University
for subspecialty training in giddiness
and disorders of balance as well as
electrophysiology of the nervous system
Dr. Ho has published extensively on
headache epidemiology in Singapore and
was Founding President of the Headache
Society of Singapore. He also sits on
the Pain Advisory Board of Singapore
and is a Board Member of the Epilepsy
Care Group of Singapore. He enjoys his
responsibilities as an external
examiner for postgraduate Family
Medicine candidates in Singapore and
continues to teach primary care
physicians and university
undergraduates on a regular basis.
His practice encompasses patients
suffering from headaches and other
painful conditions, giddiness,
disorders of consciousness, memory
problems, strokes and limb weakness. He
is married with four children and likes
to play tennis, watch anime and read
fantasy books with a good beer in
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Kenneth Ng
Dr. Ng is a Heart
Failure Specialist who is the Director
of the Heart Failure Programme in the
National Healthcare Group (2003 to
2007). He runs a very successful heart
failure service and has regularly
published research articles on heart
failure in peer reviewed international
cardiology journals. He is widely
recognized as an expert in the field of
heart failure in the ASEAN region and
has regularly been invited to give
talks on heart failure at both regional
conferences as well as the American
Congress of Cardiology Annual
Scientific Meeting. He has also
established surgical and mechanical
assist device therapy programs for
heart failure in Tan Tock Seng
Hospital. He is a board certified
cardiologist in Adult Comprehensive
Echocardiography issued by the National
Board of Education in the USA. He spent
a year and a half as a heart
failure/transplant fellow in the
Cleveland Clinic (2002 -2003). He is
involved in the education of medical
students and trainee doctors through
his appointment as a clinical tutor at
the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine of
the National University of Singapore.
He is an accredited instructor in
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
and has been invited to Malaysia and
Brunei to conduct ACLS courses.
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Urologist Dr
James K N Tan
After completing his
Advanced Surgical Training (Urology) in
1999, Dr James Tan further
subspecialize in Urological Cancer
Surgery in Canada. He is also trained
in Laparoscopic (Key-hole) Urologic
Surgery at USA's Cleveland Clinic,
Taiwan's Chi-Mei Medical Centre, and
France's Henri Mondor Hospital. In
2002, he completed training in robotic
surgery at USA's leading robotic
surgery centre - Henry Ford Hospital.
Dr Tan has wide experience in
managing kidney, bladder and prostate
cancer. He is the first in Singapore to
perform complex and advanced
laparoscopic operations including
laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for
prostate cancer and retroperitoneal
radical nephrectomy for kidney cancer
(2002). He now performs robotic
prostatectomy for prostate cancer using
the highly sophisticated da Vinci
robotic system.
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Oncologist Dr S
W Wong

Dr Wong Seng Weng is the Medical
Director of The Cancer Centre (TCC). He
specialises in the diagnosis and
treatment of adult cancers with special
interest in breast cancers, lung
cancers and gastrointestinal cancers.
He is currently a Visiting Consultant
at the National University Hospital
Dr Wong was previously the
Consultant Medical Oncologist and
Senior Partner at the Raffles Hospital.
Dr Wong obtained his basic medical
degree from the National University of
Singapore (NUS) under the Lim Boon Keng
and Tan Siak Kew Scholarships and
graduated on the Dean's List. He
completed his post-graduate training in
Internal Medicine and obtained his
Membership of the Royal College of
Physicians of the United Kingdom (MRCP
UK). Thereafter, he achieved Specialist
Accreditation with the Ministry of
Health Singapore and was admitted as
Fellow of the Academy of Medicine of
Singapore (FAMS) and College of
Physicians of Singapore.
Dr Wong continued his practice at
NUH and was appointed Clinical Tutor of
the Clinical Faculty of NUS. Apart from
pursuing his clinical practice, Dr Wong
was keenly involved as an investigator
in over 20 clinical trials exploring
new methods of cancer treatment. Dr
Wong is also a member of the American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) as
well as the European Society for
Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the
Singapore Society of Oncology.
- Medical Director and Consultant,
The Cancer Centre (a subsidiary of
the Singapore Medical Group)
- Specialist in Medical
- Visiting Consultant and Tutor,
National University Hospital
- Adjunct Clinician Scientist,
Agency for Science, Technology
& Research (A*STAR)
- Member of the American Society of
Clinical Oncolgy (ASCO)
- Member of the European Society
for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
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Cardiologist Dr Lim Yean
Dr YT Lim graduated from the
National University of
Singapore’s Faculty of Medicine
in 1983. After completing his training
in Internal Medicine, he underwent
general cardiology training at the
Epworth Hospital in Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia and Cardiac
Department at the National University
Hospital in Singapore. He was then sent
for interventional cardiology and
nuclear cardiology training, and later
peripheral angioplasty training in the
United States. He is recognized as a
key opinion leader in the field of
interventional cardiology, and
regularly invited as speaker,
chairperson and moderator for major
coronary interventional meetings in
Asia-Pacific region. . He has
authored/co-authored book chapters,
over eighty scientific papers and a
hundred abstracts.
Dr Lim was Head, Division of
Cardiology, Department of Medicine,
National University of Singapore, and
Chief, Cardiac Department, National
University of Hospital before
relinquishing the position to become
Chairman, Medical Board of the
hospital. In the 24 years with public
service, he served in various
capacities – as a senior
consultant cardiologist, a university
academic, administrator and medical
leadership, promoting innovation in
cardiology as well as improving the
quality of health care and services in
Singapore. He continues to serve on a
number of national committees, and has
received many awards, including a
Commendation Medal during 2003 National
Day Award for his leadership effort in
combating SARS, and Courage Star Award.
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Physician and Gastroenterologist Dr
Cheong Wei Kuen
Dr Cheong Wei Kuen is a
Consultant in Gastrointestinal /
Hepatobiliary Diseases and an
Endoscopist since 1990. Previously with
Singapore General Hospital ( SGH )
Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, he moved to private
practice in Mount Elizabeth Medical
Centre in 2000. He graduated amongst
one of the top 6 in his medical class
with a MBBS from the National
University of Singapore in 1983 and was
awarded the Mickie Prize for Surgery at
the Final MBBS exam. In 1988 he
obtained his Masters Degree in Internal
Medicine and also became a Member of
the Royal College of Physicians (
United Kingdom ). He was admitted as a
Fellow of the Academy of Medicine (
Singapore ) in 1999.
He chose to undergo advanced training
in Toronto Canada from 1991-1992 , with
special emphasis in the fields of IBD
or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (
Crohn’s Disease , Ulcerative
Colitis ) , bowel failure ( short bowel
syndrome ), malabsorption and Total
Parenteral Nutrition ( TPN ). His work
has seeded the establishment of
specialised clinics for such diseases
in SGH, in addition to overseeing,
formalising and training the
multidisciplinary team running the
hospital wide TPN service of SGH from
1993-2000. This hospital now runs an
effective Home TPN service critical in
the management and rehabilitation of
many patients with bowel failure of
differing etiologies. He was awarded
the Harry M Vars Research Award for a
paper on TPN related osteoporosis , a
piece of research work completed while
he was overseas . He has also written
chapters on the problem of Trace
Element Deficiencies in TPN.
His interests are not restricted IBD
and TPN . He remains active in the
lecture circuit on a wide range of
topics from luminal gastroenterology to
hepatology and continues to participate
in international treatment trials for
viral hepatitis.
He held the positions of Scientific
Chairman (1994-1995) and Treasurer
(1995-1996) Gastroenterological Society
of Singapore and was also Secretary,
Scientific Subcommittee for the
American Gastroenterological Society
International / Gastroenterological
Society of Singapore Meeting, 1995. ^Go To Top